Fine Arts

St. John’s La Grange stresses the importance of creative expression and the arts as long-term sources of personal enjoyment and fulfilment. Our students spends many months preparing for performances: the Lutheran Schools Fine Arts Festival (for grades 5-8), an annual Musical Presentation (for grades 1-4), Christmas Worship Services, a family summer musical, and regular performances throughout the year.

Our students also have weekly art classes starting in (1st grade, Kindergarten). Art projects correspond with investigations of famous artists, opportunities to experiment with different medium, or based on student interest.

Annual musical production: Students in grades 1-4 present a Christian musical for grandparents and special guests in the middle of March followed by a Sunday presentation for the entire congregation. Our students work with the lower grade music teacher and the classroom teacher for months to successfully present this production.

Christmas productions: The Junior Choir, Echoes of Praise, and Handbell Choirs perform in a congregation-wide Sunday night Christmas Concert. In addition, the entire school performs a Christmas Worship Service that incorporates public speaking, acting and musical selections.

Art classes: All students receive regular art education.

More information about the Music Program is on our Music Page:

More information about the Art Classes is on our Art Page: