Since 1886, St. John’s Lutheran Church has been blessed to offer a program of quality education in a Christ-centered environment through the ministry of its school. It is no coincidence that St. John’s Church and School were started just months apart! The founding fathers of our congregation recognized the importance of a Christian education as they envisioned a church that ministered to the needs of people of all ages.
Since its inception, St. John’s Lutheran School has strived for excellence in education while focusing first and foremost on Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. While meeting all state educational standards, St. John’s challenges its students not only in the 3 R’s of “reading, ‘riting, and ‘rithmetic”, but also the critical “4th R” of religion as children grow in knowledge, understanding, and witnessing of their Christian faith.
St. John’s Lutheran School is fully accredited by National Lutheran School Accreditation (NLSA) and recognized as meeting all the criteria of the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE). The “average” St. John’s educator has more than 18 years teaching experience. Representative of the overall excellence of our teaching staff, 1st grade teacher Holly Hackelberg was named the Northern Illinois District Primary “Teacher of the Year” in 2008.